Tagged: DC Comics Rebirth

You, Me, and DC Comics

DC Comics is rebooting. Again. However, it seems like DC has learned their lesson from the strangest of places. There’s an old wedding expression that goes, “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and...

Comic Review: Cyborg Rebirth

Writer: John Semper Jr. (Seen here with Fraggles.) Penciller: Paul Pelletier Inkers: Sandra Hope & Tony Kordos Colorist: Guy Major (An objectively awesome name.) Letterer: Rob Leigh Cyborg Rebirth retells the titular character’s origin...

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: V is for Videodrome

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: V is for Videodrome

David Cronenberg’s scifi/horror film Videodrome plays in the fields he often did early in his career: body horror, flesh mechanics, the external reflecting the internal. But in Videodrome, he did so with a larger...