Author: Trent Seely

Ask a Dork: Cancelled Television Shows

Have any TV shows cancellation ever made you upset? Are you wary of getting attached to new shows? Television and I don’t really talk anymore. It was a cold divorce, but after years of...

Ask a Dork: Anime vs. Cartoons

What’s the difference between anime and cartoons to you? Which is better for story-telling? The challenge when comparing two visual mediums is that there will always be proponents for either side that are more...

Ask a Dork: Villainous Screw-ups

“Which villains were most done-in by their own mistakes?”   Probably the best way to answer this week’s question is to cite some particularly foolish antagonists and break down exactly what they did wrong....

Ask a Dork: Nvidia’s Project Shield

“What do you think of Nvidia’s new handheld? Will it succeed?” For those not following the CES circuit, Nvidia has just unveiled a new handheld gaming system called “Project Shield” (I know, I know...

Ask a Dork: Twas the Week Before Christmas

Why don’t mediums like video games tackle seasonal issues more often? Or why don’t we get more holiday content in them. Twas the week before Christmas and all through my face was a thick...

Ask a Dork: Christmas Movies

If you had to pick one Christmas movie that you believes encapsulates the season, which would it be and why? While I’m tempted to simply put “Die Hard” and walk away from my keyboard,...

Ask a Dork: Franchise Consistency

Which franchise/series has done the best job of keeping a coherent storyline across multiple games? If you were to ask me this question before the release of Ultima IX my answer would have been...

Ask a Dork: Multi-platform Gaming

“What factors go into your decision when deciding between multi-plat games? Which are given priorities? Ever been burnt?” At the moment I mostly consider my Xbox 360 to be my main console. I have...