Author: Trent Seely

Ask a Dork: Being a ‘Gamer’

Why do people identify themselves as gamers? No one else seems to identify themselves by their favorite hobby: movie/television watcher, music listener, etc. Social identities are a funny thing. Søren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher...

Ask a Dork: Accessible Games

What would you consider an accessible game? What makes a game accessible? I think we should probably start by looking at what the word “accessible” means. For something to be considered truly accessible, it...

Ask a Dork: Video Game Worlds

What is more important in world building in video games, the locations or the characters? This is a challenging question. By definition, dynamic and interesting locations are required in order to build a world...

Ask a Dork: Crowd Sourced Finales

With the recent success of the Veronica Mars KS, are there any shows you would like to see crowd sourced for a finale? I don’t usually watch television anymore. There honestly isn’t enough time...

Ask a Dork: Prequels

What are your thoughts on prequels? When have they been done well? Can they ruin a franchise if done poorly? The term “prequel” essentially means work that is done after work, but taking place...

Ask a Dork: 3D Post Conversion

What do you think of movies that are post converted to 3D? Do you think it’s a fair solution or rather a film be shot for 3D? These days, if you want your film...

Ask a Dork: Square’s Fall From Grace

Do you feel that Square has fallen from grace? And if so, how would you help them regain their stature among fans next-gen? Nostalgia is a weird thing. I have this theory that we...

Ask a Dork: Musical Scores

What do you look for in a good score? Is it memorable and catchy music or something that simply enhances what’s in front of you? There’s a lot that goes into the memorable scores...

Ask a Dork: Romantic Moments in Media

What are some of the most romantic gestures/scenes you can remember from movies? Why did it stick with you? I’m a great many things, but coldhearted is not one of them. As a single...

Ask a Dork: Next Gen Systems

As Microsoft and Sony ramp up for their next gen systems, what are some things you’d like to see left in this generation? As we reach the twilight of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation...