Monthly Archive: January 2011

The Dark Knight Rises Round-Up

The Dark Knight Rises Round-Up

Like anyone else with the ability to read and the internet, we have seen the latest round of rumors regarding the hotly anticipated movie, The Dark Knight Rises. While most of these rumors/leaks/script reviews...

Our Modern Day Huckleberry Finn

Our Modern Day Huckleberry Finn

With all the controversy surrounding the newest edition of Mark Twain’s classic, Huckleberry Finn, we thought we would offer another option to modernize the story for a current generation audience. Take a look at...

Cooking with Nerds: Baked Chocobo Nuggets

Cooking with Nerds: Baked Chocobo Nuggets

Welcome back hungry travelers, it has been a while since we have blessed you with a new recipe, and we do apologize for that. However, we are back and are ready to wet your...

Year in Gaming 2010: The Music

Year in Gaming 2010: The Music

Since everyone else on Twitter is posting their favorite musical selections from video games, I figured I’ll pull off a double and post some of my favorite tunes from games released in 2010. This...

Scheme & Sketch: Cloudman

Scheme & Sketch: Cloudman

Welcome back nerds and nerdettes.   This week’s winner is Manuel.  Let’s see what he wrote: scientist mark white was in a horrific accident in the lab turning him into cloudman. his entire lower body...

Review Shooter: Friday Night Lights

Review Shooter: Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights is the 2004 drama film that documents the coach and players of a high school football team[1] and the Texas city of Odessa that supports and is obsessed with them. The...