151 Proof Movies: Judge Dredd Drinking Game

Dredd is a movie that has been on everyone’s mind since it released and developed a cult following.

But before Dredd, he was a Judge!

We’ve done this movie on the site before, but don’t actually have official rules for it so we get a two-fer!

Let’s get to the rules!

  1. I am The Law – Every time “Law” or “The Law” is mentioned in the film, take a drink.
  2. Judge, Juror and Judge Again – Whenever “Judge” is said in the film, take a drink.
  3. Schnekick – Every time Judge’s sidekick annoys you or whines, take a drink.
  4. Fancy Tech – Whenever Dredd uses his fancy toys (including his gun), take a drink.
  5. The Big Bang Theory – What’s an action movie without some explosion? And what’s a drinking game without a staple? So every time there’s an explosion take a drink.
  6. Running Your Yap – An explosion has just taken place, the hero stands tall, and utters those words. You don’t know exactly what they are, but you’ll know it when you hear it. Take a drink whenever a one-liner is uttered. Take 2 for a pun!

For more of our drinking games, check out the ever-updated Mega-List.

As always, we will put these rules to the test when we can and make any necessary amendments to make sure you have the BEST possible time while watching the movie. You can follow along by following either @ER_NOTR or @Wooden_Pint on Twitter. Or by following the hashtag #151PM. Usually starting at 10pm ET/7pm PT on Friday nights!

Earl Rufus

The owner of this little chunk of the internet. Enjoys having a good time and being rather snarky!

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